How to find the Authentication Token

Learn about your Authentication Token and how to retrieve it

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. About your Authentication Token
  3. Finding your Authentication Token


You need the following to begin:

  • Access to Stairwell

About your Authentication Token

Your Authentication Token is a unique identifier used to authenticate with the Stairwell API and Swell. Once you authenticate to the API, you can download files, add rules, list assets, list environments, create environments, or complete any other API-allowed interaction.

Authentication tokens are also used to allow your Stairwell forwarders to authenticate with your Stairwell instance.

For security reasons, please do not share authentication tokens.

Finding your Authentication Token

Use Stairwell to find your Authentication Token.

  1. Go to and log in
  2. Click on your user initials located at the top right
  3. Click on Auth Token
  4. A dropdown menu will appear where you can select the Auth Token type (API/CLI or File Forwarder)